Online Hearing Testing

U.S. Online Hearing Testing and Best Practices for Patient Engagement in Response to Covid-19

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Top 16 D2C and global online hearing tests
Analysis along 20 test dimensions
D2C vs. global brand comparison
Proprietary patient engagement framework
10 illustrative best practice examples

Created specifically for executives and managers evaluating hearing healthcare investments in response to COVID-19, this study analyzes the top 16 U.S. online hearing tests within a proprietary framework of five patient engagement best practices. Supporting the comprehensive analysis are best practice examples from both D2C and global hearing aid companies’ online tests. Lead author Nancy M. Williams is President of Auditory Insight.

Title: U.S. Online Hearing Testing and Best Practices for Patient Engagement in Response to COVID-19


PPTX: 60 pages

PDF: 60 pages

Released: 2020

Language: English

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